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Back 2 School Morning Routine Tips

Hey Belle Hey- 

I know, I know- I may as well have said a bad word...BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!

Believe it or not it's just around the corner. 

So to prepare for smooth transition here are some tips to get back in the early morning routine

Belle Tip 1: PLAN AHEAD - Laying out your clothes, packing your lunch the nigh before can make getting out the door in the mornings so much easier. 


Belle Tip 2: Go To Bed-  Yep- to get up early in the morning you've gotta get some rest at night! We love winding down with mint tea to ensure we're ready for the next day!

Belle Tip 3: Write It Down- 

Belle Tip 3: Write It Down-  When setting up the goals you want to accomplish in a day or week writing them down can make you more accountable. With that in mind keep reading for your own Belle-To-Do-List DIY because Adulting is Hard!! 

To help you out watch our Belle-To-Do List Tutorial & make your own Belle-To-Do-List using the link below. 

Belle To-Do-List Freebie